Visitation Guidelines

Dress Code

There is a visitor’s dress code at the institutions. If you are not dressed appropriately, they will not let you in to the institution.NOT ALLOWED: shorts, tank tops, spandex, flip flops, camouflage clothing, overalls or overall shorts/dresses. A MUST: Men must wear socks.

Travel Light

Empty all of your pockets before going into the institutions. Lock your wallet/purse in the trunk of your car. All you should bring in is your car keys, driver’s license. A driver’s license (or state issued picture I.D.) is required to get in. The procedure is a little different at each institution. At some institutions you place you drivers license and car keys in a locker, at others you turn them in to the guard in exchange for your visitors badge and pick them up when you turn the badge in. Check with your coordinator for the procedure at the institution you will be visiting at. Remember, the more you carry in with you, the longer it takes to get through security.

Special reminder: It is a Class C Felony to bring weapons of any kind onto Department of Correction’s property, even in your car. Do not bring guns, bows and arrows, or knives with you.


Your visit is highly valued by your inmate friend, so if you cannot attend your meeting night, please call your coordinator as soon as possible. An attempt can then be made to notify your friend that you wil1 not be coming that evening. If you know well enough in advance (vacation, etc.) let your friend know during one of your visits, and let the coordinator know that you have informed the inmate. We can then be sure that the inmate will not be in trouble for missing a visit.


Be sure to Pray for your friend. Pray for specific inmate needs and for your relationship. Ask friends to pray for you, your inmate friend and for your relationship. Your inmate friend may want to pray with you during your visit, that’s great!

Snacks & Treats

At some of the institutions our volunteers have access to vending machines during the visit and are allowed to purchase soft drinks and small snacks for the visit. Remember, the inmates never have money, so can never return the favor. It is totally up to the volunteer. But remember a bag of pop corn and a pop can go a long way. It is best to check with your coordinator to see what is available at the institution you will be visiting at. All of the facilities in Monroe have gone to a debit card vending machine system. You purchase a debt card from the machine in the lobby and place funds on the card through the same machine. Then you may purchase items through the vending machines. Check with your coordinator.

Special Events "Inside"

Your inmate friend may invite you to attend a special event inside the prison. It may be a graduation, a special program, a Pow Wow, etc. We encourage you to attend if you are able. For special events the inmate must submit the name of his/her guests. When the guests are approved they are invited. The approval process is much easier and goes more quickly if the guest is already on the inmates visiting list.

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