
Either send us an email or fill out the form below and we’ll get the process going.

    What's The Process?


    Simply get in touch with us so we can get to know you and get you organized.


    While we only require one Volunteer Form, the Department of Corrections requires a few more.


    The orientation is mandatory and hosted by the correctional facility. You may attend a trial visit at the prison beforethe orientation, however.


    Finally, you will be matched with an inmate. Commit to visit once a month for one year or
    throughout your match’s confinement, encouraging and supporting them through your visitation or through writing them.

    Volunteer applicants must:

    • be at least 21 years old
    • have photo identification
    • not be an immediate family or friend of any inmate at their facility of visitation
    • not be under corrections agency supervision or under indictment for felony
    • successfully pass a criminal background check

    Why Volunteer?

    • Just knowing someone like you cares enough to take time to come visit me for two hours a month has made all the difference in the world to me. I has give me hope.
      -W2 Former Participant
    • The M-2 Program gives a chance, to talk to someone that is real about God. Someone most likely would never have meet otherwise.
      - M2 Ex-Offender
    • I need my monthly visits - the one day a month I am not judged, I am not condemned. The one day I have joy and fellowship. I feel like a human, a person loved, not an inmate.
      - M2 Ex-Offender
    • I can never thank you enough for being there for me when everyone else had abandoned me. You kept my mind on Jesus so I never forgot my strength was in Him in those toughest days of my life.
      - M2 Ex-Offender
    • It is people like you that make people like me want to be people like you.
      - M2 Ex-Offender
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